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Juanita's Family Daycare


Phone (301) 934-6917
Mobile (301) 848-1372 - Mobile
Address 5675 Cues Favorite Pl,
Waldorf, MD 20602 United States


My facility is located between Routes 5 and 6. Formerly on Rt. 488.

We are accepting openings for infants/toddlers/pre-school, etc.

Our schedule is fun-filled with activities that are educational and age-appropriate. We provide story time, floor time, tummy time, arts & crafts, math, science, social studies, reading, letters/colors/numbers, ABCs, and much more.

Children are encouraged to learn at his/her pace, thus we assess each child to find where they are, and provide a curriculum geared toward the needs.

Hours of operation are 6:00 am - 6:00 pm (Monday thru Friday). Breakfast, lunch, and two snacks are served (USDA) approved.

We assist with potty training, if needed. Also, vouchers are welcome.

Please contact me for further details. Rates are reasonable and negotiable.

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