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LePort School


Phone (714) 907-4672
Address 16081 Waikiki Lane,
Huntington Beach, CA 92649 United States


Montessori child care, preschool/Kindergarten and elementary school in a beautiful, nurturing environment. Life skills, social development, and reading, writing and arithmetic starting in preschool.

LePort Montessori Preschool and Private School in Huntington Beach offers more than daycare for infants, toddlers and preschoolers. We are an authentic Montessori school that will equip your child with Knowledge for Life - the essential skills and knowledge he needs to thrive as a joyous child today and as a successful adult tomorrow.

Our preschool students are led by passionate, expert, caring teachers who have Bachelor's degrees and specialized, year-long AMI Montessori training; while our upper elementary learners are guided by teachers with Bachelor's degrees, deep subject matter expertise, and love for teaching. In addition to preschools, LePort Schools has 2 other Orange County campuses offering elementary and junior high private school programs.

At LePort, we want to prepare our students in their whole being for the adventure of life, and our students' families are our partners in that process. We enroll a family, not just a child. We actively encourage parents and other significant people to be involved in the LePort experience.

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